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Competition villas for first-time homeowners We worked on a concept of villas in bands(strips) which can answer at the request of the first-time homeowners. Indeed, the land(basic) pressure is more and more strong in our region and the price(prize) of grounds often prevents the first acquisition of accommodation(housing). We thus created a concept of weft in 4 m, which gets closer to wefts used in the collective accommodation(housing), which we applied to the individual house. So, for an identical comfort in term of volume, we can offer a ground with a garden in front of and behind, without the constraints of a co-ownership. These villas are conceived(designed) to be evolutionary, with the creation of an internal patio, who, eventually(later) can be closed to create an additional room(part,play), or the addition of an additional floor with 1 or 2 rooms(chambers) more. This project comes in 3 versions: in suburban zone, in mixed zone and in urban area.

Concours trame 4m